Mo’s Moonlit Creations!

The Mo’s Moonlit Creations logo; a moon with a cloud on both sides of it & the tagline “Art for Misfits” to the left.

About Me!

Hello, welcome to my site! My name is Mo, though I also go by Obby & Obsidian. I’m a queer & non-binary artist! My pronouns are he/him/his, xe/xem/xyr (pronounced “zee, zem, zeere”), and it/it’s, though I’m cool with they/them/theirs too. It’s a pleasure to have you here!My creations are made up from a variety of things. Sometimes I’ll hear a song, see some clothing, play a game, or watch something (like a movie, television series, video game playthrough, or video essay) and I’ll get an idea and go from there. Other times, I’ll see work from another artist (whether it’s their process or finished product; this includes music, painting, writing, etc.) and I’ll be filled with a feeling I gotta get out. I create much more personal work as well, & I’ve felt safer creating more of said personal work lately, so you’re likely to see more of that from me soon!I’m a total night owl and I collect stuffed animals. I really enjoy music, reading, and playing games! I’m also a fan of horror/thriller media as well as fantasy and sci-fi media. I’m currently fixating on Trigun!!

A few games I enjoy: Stardew Valley, BOTW, River City Girls, Alisa, & Little Nightmares
Some of my favorite movies (in no particular order): The Dark Crystal, The Mummy (1999), Labyrinth, & A.I.: Artificial Intelligence (2001)


Bust - $15 | Half Body - $20 | Full Body - $25

A digital bust illustration of a lighter-skinned vampire with freckles & one visible pointy ear, a bookshelf behind him to the right & a cozy green armchair on a red oval rug to the left.
A digital full-body drawing of two fem fairies sitting on a cream-colored mushroom at the base of a tree, leaning into each other & looking very happy.
A digital full-body drawing of a white young adult fem individual in baggy green pants & a variety of belts standing in front of a brick wall. Their hands are lifted up & resting on the back of their head, fluffy blonde hair falling around their shoulders.

Extra Fees

Additional Character: +$15 for Full Body | +$10 for Half Body

Terms of Service

Last Updated: 09-27-2022

These terms are subject to change without notice. Please check prior to commissioning.


By commissioning me, you agree to the following terms.I’ll need references. Having references helps me better understand what you want!
Some examples of references include (but are not limited to): poses, expressions, hairstyles, clothing, & moodboards.
A minimum payment of 50% of the final commission price is required up front. I will not begin working on anything until that is paid. See below for refund policy. (Note: if you’re going through my Ko-fi, you’ll pay 100% up front instead of 50%).
I will make a sketch and send it to you for review when finished. Once you accept the sketch, I will not make any new major changes to the commission as I will have started on the next part of the commission. Once the commission is finished, I will send it to you via your preferred method of contact. If you’re unhappy with the finished product, we can discuss making some minor changes (I will make up to five).
Commissions can take up to two weeks, but may be done sooner! I will inform you if there are any delays.
Feel free to request progress pictures after the initial sketch has been finished and accepted! Please avoid spamming/constantly messaging me for them though, as that will make your commission take longer.
I’ll post your commission once it’s finished and delivered to you, and mark it as such. Commissions are for personal/non-commercial use only.


Ship art
You! (e.g. OOTD or portrait)

Will Not

Offensive/hateful content
Proship art
Realism/anything not in my style
Anything that makes me uncomfortable

I can decline a commission for any reason.


- If you paid in full, haven’t received any work yet, & it has been more than two weeks, you get 100% refund of amount paid.
- If you paid 50% of the total, haven’t received any work yet, & it has been more than two weeks, you get 100% refund of amount paid.
- If you paid in full & received the sketches, you get 50% refund of amount paid.
- If you paid 50% of the total & received the sketches, you get 0% refund of amount paid.
- If you paid in full, have received the sketches, & sent approval to start, you get 0% refund of amount paid.
- If you paid 50% of the total, have received the sketches, & sent approval to start, you get 0% refund of amount paid.

My Work

A digital bust illustration of a lighter-skinned vampire with freckles & one visible pointy ear, a bookshelf behind him to the right & a cozy green armchair on a red oval rug to the left.
A digital full-body of a white young adult transmasc individual in a nonbinary flag tie dye binder and light-colored jeans with holes in the knees. A huge smile is on their face.
A photo of a gouache painting. It depicts a leafless tree sitting atop lush greenery, seemingly later in the day. This piece is untitled.
A digital illustration of thousands of golden stars in the form of small specks covering a mix of purple, grey blue, & pink sky with deep purple clouds around the piece. Heavenly light shines through the middle of the piece from below.
A digital character page of a nature witch containing one neutral/calm faced full-body on the left & two busts stacked on top of each other on the right. The top one looks surprised, the bottom full of joy.
A digital half-body drawing of a purple cyclops woman sitting in a booth type-seat at a club with colorful lights in the background.
A photo of a painting. It's a mess of slightly swirly blurry blue and purple on pink, with dots of dark pink & red intermingling between them. Some of the colors bleed into the pink background, rather than staying solid. This piece is untitled.
A digital illustration of a pale yellow head & hands, seemingly emerging from nothing. Their lips, hair, & blush a pink-toned light brown. They wear a scared/upset expression. Yellow text reads “Child of the Moon, if only you had made the right decision…”
A digital full-body drawing of a young tan woman sitting in a bubble, floating up into the sky. She’s surrounded by other smaller bubbles, & pastel pink clouds fill the sky behind her.
A digital full body drawing of a highlighter yellow/green alien girl with three eyes & bright red/pink medium length hair. She has silly little toes & stands on a purple planet, a planet with rings floating in space behind her.
A digital half-body illustration of a black fairy with short curly moss hair, pink flowers interspersed among the curls. She happily dances among blades of grass, wearing a bodycon dress of moss with more little pink flowers. Her pink wings rest behind her
A digital full-body drawing of a white young adult fem individual in baggy green pants & a variety of belts standing in front of a brick wall. Their hands are lifted up & resting on the back of their head, fluffy blonde hair falling around their shoulders.
A photo of a watercolor painting. It's a mess of slightly blurry blue in varying shades with some muted pink, looking a bit like waves or perhaps fabric flowing in the wind. The shapes are what you make of them. This piece is called “See / Breathe” .
A digital full-body drawing of two fem fairies sitting on a cream-colored mushroom at the base of a tree, leaning into each other & looking very happy.
A digital bust drawing of a black girl with bright purple hair, winking & sticking her tongue out. She has an array of piercings, a purple spiked collar, & a fishnet shirt under a tank top with matching purple lace.
A digital full-body drawing of a satyr girl sitting on the edge of a lush cliff, playing a lute. Beside her is a beautiful tree, covered with moss & flowers like the cliff she sits upon. A crow sits to her right, calm as lavender leaves float past them.
A digital illustration of the base of a tree with a hole in it, a dirt pathway leading into it surrounded by bushes filled with soft pink rose-like flowers. Two pale pink butterflies sit before the tree, one flying & the other resting.
A digital illustration of a cartoonish eye sits in the center of 4 red wavy rings on solid black. The 1st & 3rd red rings are covered with teeth, the 2nd & 4th bare. Beneath it all, jagged pale gray lines break the piece into eighths, resembling cracks.
A photo of a monochromatic gouache painting. It depicts a bunch of rounded shapes with various shading, though mostly lacking highlights. Curving lines wrap around the shapes, touching nothing but the lighter colored space between them. Splatters of dark b
A digital half-body drawing of a blue plus-size demon with bright red hair leaning forward & sticking her tongue out, her right index finger pulling down her lower eyelid & her left hand showing off a peace sign. Her tail is to her right, pointing down.
A digital bust drawing of a black angel with dark brown hair. She wears lavender clothing, a matching lavender flower sitting in her hair. A glowing halo sits above her head, matching wings extended outwards & out of view.

Shopping Center

Hey! How'd you get here?This isn't open anymore! The shop is on Ko-fi! You can even message me on there after picking yourself up a goodie! Or a gift for someone, I don't know what you're grabbing.Anyways, thanks for wanting to be here in the first place! That's really cool! If you've read this far, you can use the word discovery to get a silly little discount on all available shop items! Go ahead & click the "Please note:" link below this paragraph to get to my Ko-fi, or manually type if that's your jam. I've got mini prints and stuff on there now too!Hope you're doing well.

Digital prints & screensavers are available on my Ko-fi!


A picture of 3 vinyl stickers: A purple cyclops woman with her legs crossed & her tongue stuck out, a black girl with bright purple hair & piercings, sticking her tongue out & winking, and a circle sticker of a young tan woman sitting in a bubble.

A pack of my three vinyl stickers; Alt Girl, Party Cyclops, & Bubble Babe! It’s a party up in here!
Alt Girl - 2.5x2.6 inches
Party Cyclops - 2.6x2.7 inches
Bubble Babe - 3x3 inches

An 2.5x2.6 inch vinyl die-cut sticker of a black girl with bright purple hair in space buns, sticking her tongue out and winking.

Come vibe with this darling alt girl! Playful and sweet, she’s here to have a good time and make sure you do too. Chill, chat, and enjoy your favorite snacks & games together while you share stories about your day!
A single 2.5x2.6 inch vinyl die-cut sticker.

An 2.6x2.7 inch vinyl die-cut sticker of a purple cyclops woman with her legs crossed and her tongue stuck out.

Sit back and relax beneath the party lights with this pretty cyclops! Sip your drink of choice and enjoy the music.
A single 2.6x2.7 inch vinyl die-cut sticker.

An 3x3 inch vinyl circle sticker of a young tan woman sitting in a bubble.

Float off into dreamland with Bubble Babe! She’ll whisk you away into the clouds and bring you back to your fondest memories, the smell of cotton candy dancing across your nose.
A single 3x3 inch vinyl circle sticker.

Please note: Stickers (bought by themselves) don’t include tracking.


An 8x10 inch art print of a young tan woman sitting in a bubble, floating amongst pastel clouds & smaller bubbles.

Float off into dreamland with Bubble Babe! She’ll whisk you away into the clouds and bring you back to your fondest memories, the smell of cotton candy dancing across your nose.
An 8x10 inch print

An 8x10 inch art print of a white young adult transmasc individual in a nonbinary flag tie dye binder and light-colored jeans with holes in the knees. A huge smile is on their face.

Smile bright and remember that things are gonna be okay with this Joyful print!
An 8x10 inch print

A sparkly 8x10 inch art print of a young tan woman sitting in a bubble, floating amongst pastel clouds & smaller bubbles.

Love Bubble Babe, but need that extra oomph? This sparkly print is for you! A gorgeous shimmer adorns the entire print, bringing extra magic to her and everything around her.
An 8x10 inch print

An 8x10 inch art print of a purple cyclops woman sitting in a booth type-seat at a club with colorful lights in the background.

Sit back and relax beneath the party lights with this pretty cyclops! Sip your drink of choice and enjoy the music.
An 8x10 inch print

Tipping Space!

Enjoy my work?
You can tip me via my Ko-fi or more directly through here!
Thank you so much for your time and consideration!